In 2020, Saks dedicated itself to getting out the vote. Kicking off on National Voter Registration Day, we worked with Vote.org to create voter registration spaces in-store and online. The physical space included printers, stamps and branded envelopes to help prepare forms required by any state. Online, visitors were directed to their state's registration pages, and found early voting and poll locator information.
• 1200+ took action in-store, registering to vote, verifying their status or requesting an absentee ballot.
• Over 100 press placements, with over 300 million press impressions.
• Influencers added another 300k impressions, and demonstrated the ease of registration.
• 1200+ took action in-store, registering to vote, verifying their status or requesting an absentee ballot.
• Over 100 press placements, with over 300 million press impressions.
• Influencers added another 300k impressions, and demonstrated the ease of registration.